Short Summary
Class Information
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Students are welcome to join part 2 even if they have not completed part 1. This class is taught at a standard level, however, I am able to offer additional work as well as AP ( Advanced Placement ) designation on your transcript if you would like your student to take this class at an AP level as this class is AP authorized--please contact me about this option.
This course is a rhetorical level course intended to introduce the student to the major themes and moments in art history. This course will involve both writing and reading. We will explore the history of art across the globe from the early modern to the modern age. You’ll analyze works of art through observation, discussion, reading, and research. You will be learning how to observe, think about, analyze, and present ideas about art and history and to connect events to the larger trends and themes in world history. First, an emphasis will be placed on visual literacy, that is, the ability to apply art historical methodologies to students’ visual environment (from high art to pop culture) so that the student understands how images encode social and political ideologies. Second, the student will be encouraged to not only appreciate works of art from other cultures, but to value them as well. Third, the student will be encouraged to learn to defer judgment when looking at works of art, developing critical thinking skills by considering the assumptions they bring to an evaluation and learn to collect evidence before forming opinions. Fourth, the student will learn the basic canon of western images and be able to understand the basic problems and flux of that canon. Finally, the student will be encouraged to continue their journey into the intellectual and emotional joys of aesthetic experiences.
This class is a discussion-based, interactive format. Each week you will be responsible for reading background material and assigned primary documents. You will be expected to write a reading response for each of your readings. These reading responses should be 1-2 pages on the background material for each time period in history and the important elements of the work. In class, we will spend much time discussing images, putting themes in their historical context and asking questions about the artist’s and our own worldviews. I expect you to come to class prepared to participate in this discussion. You will also be assigned brief presentations. These presentations will involve researching the biographical information for significant figures and key information for major moments we will study in class. This class is ESL friendly.
Week 1-Early Renaissance
Week 2-High Renaissance
Week 3-Northern Renaissance
Week 4-Later Renaissance and Baroque
Week 5-Rococo
Week 6-Neoclassical
Week 7-Romanticism
Week 8-Realism
Week 9-Impressionism
Week 10-Post-impressionism
Week 11-Modernism
Week 12-Abstract and Contemporary
Week 13-Art of the Americas
Week 14-Contemporary Art Worldwide
Week 15-Photography