Taught by Lt. Col. D., this course explores the incredible journey of manned flight, beginning with the story of the Wright Brothers and extending through the past hundred years to examine aviation advancements.
Excelsior ClassesStart off a full year of rigorous, but engaging, high school college prep biology! Session 1 is a 4 week course all about biochemistry and ecology, and is part of a four-session, 36 week course. Quizzes, labs, hands-on projects and more!
Next Level HomeschoolThis is a 10 week introduction to a variety consumer math/ financial literacy concepts.
Unlocking Potential Educational Services, LLC (Michaela Sellers, M.Ed.)Let's be history detectives! In this introductory level of Knowable World, children learn to look with curiosity at the world around them and begin to think historically about their everyday lives.
Knowable WorldJoin us as we explore this often misunderstood and intriguing era in world history. Together, we’ll illuminate topics such as the early Church, nation-building, the Age of Chivalry, and much more.
Excelsior ClassesAdventure awaits as students learn all that is involved in planning a trip to another country.Â
Unlocking Potential Educational Services, LLC (Michaela Sellers, M.Ed.)So much fun with an experienced art educator! Students will gain proficiency in the use of these media in drawing, portraiture, abstract art, animals, landscapes, and more using colored and watercolor pencils in a lovely group environment.
Excelsior ClassesThis is a high school level Geometry course (typical 10th grade). This is a rigorous course in which students will analyze and apply geometric concepts and measurements and includes proofs.Our curriculum provides instant feedback on homework.
Excelsior ClassesTaught by an experienced broadcast journalist nad public relations expert, this speech class is engaging, fun, and interactive. Your student is sure to enjoy learning from a professional in this area.
Excelsior ClassesFOR LEARNERS
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