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Modern Web Development (Flex-paced)

Self Paced
Modern Web Development (Flex-paced)

Short Summary

The Modern Web Development class will teach students to make websites and web applications using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Bonus lessons are also included. Self-paced videos with one-on-one instructions. Begin anytime and finish within 20 weeks.

Class Information

From Ages 13 to 18


Begin Anytime. Self-paced plus 30 minute scheduled weekly meetings with the teacher.


Modern Web Development (Flex-paced)

The new Flex-paced Modern Web Development class will teach students how to make websites and web applications using two lightweight computer languages (HTML and CSS) as well as how to add functionality using JavaScript.

The first part of the class will focus on HTML and CSS, and then students will begin learning JavaScript (a general purpose programming language) through bonus self-paced lessons. The first part of the class (before the self-paced portion) is comparable to a full semester class.

The ability to understand how websites and webapps work, and how they are implemented, can be useful in all aspects of our lives from hobbies to school to work. The JavaScript section of the course alone will help students learn the basics of computer programming in a context that can be more creative than computer science. We dare say it could even be fun! ?

This class focuses on frontend code which is what a user sees on the screen rather than backend code which focuses more on things like databases, server architecture and programming. We’ll be using pre-built solutions for our backend architecture.

This class also pairs nicely with our Graphic Design class, as this Web Development class is focused more on how to build sites vs how to design websites.

Flexible Class Schedule with Accountability

We think learning web development is actually better suited for one-on-one interaction with the teacher than a live group class. And, for those that might prefer it, we want to be able to provide the option of completing the course faster than in a normal semester (15 weeks + 2 break weeks). Students can begin this class anytime during the year.

If all the students are forced to move at the same speed, the class could feel either too hard or too boring. In a live class setting, some students can feel rushed and will miss the concepts. Some students are more comfortable using a computer than others, and we all pick up different things at different speeds.

This is not a purely self-paced class. This class structure blends:

  1. The flexibility of completing the course quicker than in a normal semester
  2. The ability to begin the class anytime in the year
  3. Student accountability to make sure they are making progress
  4. One-on-one training for when a student gets stuck so they don't have to wait a week to be able to continue

Students will start by meeting with the teacher and then begin the class right away by watching the lesson videos. Each video is between 3 to 8 minutes in length (with exceptions) and focuses on a specific topic. This makes it easier to find and revisit a video if you need to refresh your memory. After each short video, students will implement what they just learned. We encourage students to watch the video first, then watch it again while they are typing. They will learn the material better, and it will actually end up taking less time this way.

Students will meet with the teacher (at least weekly) to review their work, ask questions, and make sure they know the concepts. Each of these one-on-one meetings will usually last around 30 minutes. If the student prefers to move quicker at times, it may be possible to schedule one-on-one meetings more frequently than once a week.

Custom Designed Curriculum

Anyone can type the code to make a website, but that won't help when you are trying to create a website from scratch or troubleshoot problems. There are lots of beginner web development videos and tutorials available, but the missing pieces are:

  • The ability to get help when a student gets stuck
  • Making sure the student understands the "why" vs just the "how"

The videos for this course were recorded specifically for MFS students by our MFS tech support staff. The content is designed for beginners by someone who has over 20 years experience making websites, web applications, and programming. However, students will be interacting with the teacher who has experience teaching technology classes as well as a well-rounded technology background including web development.

Free Software Tools

This class has been designed so the student is able to see the results of their code in real time. Students will be learning concepts as they build projects instead of reading theory from a book and then doing exercises. Each lesson will build on the previous lessons.

We’ll be using Svelte web components along with the SvelteKit web framework and the Visual Studio Code text editor. Svelte and SvelteKit have consistently been the most liked website frameworks by web developers for many years. All the software is free, and there is no textbook to buy.

If students would like to take this class with a specific purpose for a website in mind, then we can help them learn things that may be more tailored towards their special goals.

Bonus Lessons and Continued Learning

While the core of the curriculum is completed within 20 weeks, students can continue with the self-paced JavaScript section which is more focused on learning to program in the context of web development.

We will also be adding bonus lessons from time to time. Students will have access to these lessons for years to come. We might even be able to make custom videos as students discover things they want to learn and implement in their own projects.

If you have any questions about the class, please send a message to the teacher using the contact form in on her teacher page. We would love to hear from you.

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