Short Summary
Class Information
Mon-Fri 9AM -6PM Eastern Time.
In this self-paced course, students watch 12 pre-recorded video lessons that explain how to use an Arduino and a breadboard to make electronic circuits. Students learn to wire a breadboard to create electronic sensors, connecting LEDs, ultrasonic sensors, buzzers, potentiometers, servos, and more. Students learn to read digital and analog sensors and how to use the Serial Monitor as a tool to see input values and to debug their code.
Students learn the basics of the computer coding language, C++, to write code to control the devices described above. They learn how to use variables and functions in their code as well as various flow commands, including "if"/else" statements, "while" statements, "for: loops, and the "switch" command.
By the end of the class, they will be able to create simple projects that light up, make sound, or move in response to an input value such as a pushbutton, light sensors, or potentiometer.
Students who plan to use an Arduino need to have access to a computer that has a USB port. They also need to download the Arduino IDE to use to write their code. Students who plan to use TinkerCad, need to create an account. Be aware that not all devices are available on TinkerCad.