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World Geography Part 1 I Full Year Curriculum

World Geography Part 1 I Full Year Curriculum

Short Summary

In this 15 week, semester course, students will learn the foundational elements of world geography--both physical and human

Class Information

From Ages 13 to 18


This course is the first half of a rhetorical level course intended to introduce the student to the major themes and patterns of world geography.  This course will involve both writing and reading.  We will be reading a full-range of primary documents from each topic we study.  You will be learning how to read, think about, analyze, argue with, and present ideas about physical and human geography and to connect events to the larger trends and themes in world history.

This class is a discussion-based, interactive format. Each week you will be responsible for reading background material and assigned primary documents.  You will be expected to write a reading response for each of your readings.  These reading responses should be 1-2 pages on the background material for each topic.  In class, we will spend much time discussing our reading, putting themes in their historical context and asking questions about the author’s and our own worldviews.  I expect you to come to class prepared to participate in this discussion. You will also be assigned brief presentations.  These presentations will involve researching the biographical information for significant figures and key information for major moments we will study in class. 

Weekly topics:  

1-Introduction to geography--what is it, how to read maps

2-Exploring interesting maps and discussion map projections, introducing cartography projects

3-Physical geography-atmosphere/climate/weather, geology and landforms

4-Physical geography cont.-plate tectonics

5-physical geography cont.-wind movement, jet stream, ocean patterns

6-Human geography-Agricultural Revolution, how geography affects ancient civilizations

7-Human geography cont.-migration patterns, urbanization, isolation and population patterns

8-Geography activities and continent introduction and test 1


including primary documents from a variety of cultures and migratory groups

10-Europe cont. with presentations--For each continent:  mapping, animals, climate, historical migration patterns, landforms, economics, cultural aspects and country focuses


including primary sources regarding the development of Russian culture including the influence of the Mongols

12-Russia cont. With presentations

13-North America

including primary documents showing the debate about how people came to North America

indigenous nations-historical and modern-- such as Cherokee, Iroquois Confederacy of nations, Lakota/Dakota, Aztec (does not exist as a nation in the modern world, but the people/culture still exists), Inuit, and Navajo, as well as modern nations--Canada, United States, Mexico

14-North America cont. with presentations

mapping, animals, climate, historical migration patterns, landforms, economics, cultural aspects and country focuses

15-Test 2 --Final presentations

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