Intermediate Online Classes, also known as Noble Knights, will elevate your child’s game. Noble Knights may start with just the ability to checkmate, but as they progress through each term, our expert instructors will teach them the fundamentals.
Rookie Rooks classes are for 5-to-7-year-old children continuing their chess journey. Children are perfect for Rookie Rooks if they can name all the pieces but need more practice before they’re comfortable using them all in a game.
Playful Pawns classes are for 5-and-6-year-old children just beginning their chess journey. Students will have a ball making friends in group activities as they learn to name the pieces and move them about the board.
Advanced Online Classes, aka Future Masters, is where students take their knowledge from the Noble Knights program, and Practise, Practise, Practise! Our 90-minute Future Masters class flips the script on Beginner and Intermediate learning methods.