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Chicago-Style Research Paper Writing Guide is a useful writing experience for college-bound homeschool high schoolers. They need experience in writing the various styles of research papers that they will face at their universities.
Chicago style research papers are popular these days on many campuses, so 7Sisters is bringing you our step-by-step guide. It is no-busywork, adaptable to various levels of rigor and designed for student success!
Chicago-Style Research Paper Writing Guide is a 5-week study aimed at high schoolers who already have some experience with research paper writing. It is self-guided, step-by-step, no-busywork guide that coaches a teen from start to finish through writing a Chicago-style research paper. Rubric for grading included.
What is Chicago style?
Chicago style is the creation of the University of Chicago Press. It is an old and successful format with several variations. Chicago style NB format (Note-Bibliography), Chicago-Style Research Paper Writing Guide follows that format.
Chicago style research papers are most frequently used for humanities and some social sciences:
- Religion
- Philosophy
- Art
- Music
- Theater
- History
- Anthropology
- Business
- Computers/Technology
- International Studies
- Criminology
The biggest differences between Chicago style and MLA or APA papers is:
- There are footnotes for each citation
- The citations are superscripts
Chicago-style papers include a thesis statement at the end of the introductory paragraph. This is similar to the MLA papers your teens have written during high school.
Chicago style’s format is flexible in some ways. It allows teachers to instruct students to use section titles for transitions (just like APA papers) OR simply rely on transition sentences (just like MLA papers).
Click here to view excerpts from Chicago Style Research Paper Writing Guide!
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Note: 7Sisters curriculum is unique in that (by request from teens themselves), it is no-busywork and adaptable to varying levels of academic rigor. In this way, following guidelines in the curriculum, teens complete coursework that is personally meaningful to their interests, needs, and goals. This is the 7Sisters educational philosophy!