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Full Credit ELA Course: British Literature and Composition

Full Credit ELA Course: British Literature and Composition

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From Ages 14 to 18
Writing,General English,Literature

Short Summary

Full Credit ELA Course: British Literature and Composition. No-busywork bundle of literature, composition and cinema studies guides suggested for grades 11 or 12. Instructions for leveling to Honors for teens who want more rigor for their transcript.


Give your homeschool high schooler an English/Language Arts credit in British Literature. By request, we have compiled all the literature, writing and cinema guides your teen needs in one place with A Full Year of English/Language Arts: British Literature and Composition (a good fit for 11th or 12th grade).

As always each guide in the ELA bundle works from 7Sisters’ commitment to no-busywork and ways to level up to Honors for those who need it!

Credit Information:  This is a one-credit high school level ELA course, adaptable for basic, college prep, and honors levels.

Your PDF curriculum is ready for immediate download after purchase.

This full-year, adaptable, no busy-work English/Language Arts curriculum for your high school student provides:

  • Reading with literary analysis,
  • Watching movies and engaging in literary analysis,
  • Writing instruction (for 4 types of papers),
  • Vocabulary,
  • Grammar,
  • Public speaking
  • A suggested schedule and
  • Tools to help with grading!

The literature, cinema studies & writing guides included in this downloadable text will inform and inspire your homeschooling high schoolers without boring or burdening them with busywork.

  • The Cinema Studies guides contain brief background information, important literature terms and themes, vocabulary and analysis questions, using the storytelling in MOVIES for a gentle introduction into literary analysis.
  • Similarly, Literature guides contain brief background information, important literature terms and themes, vocabulary and analysis questions - NEVER enough to kill your teens’ enjoyment of the book.
  • The Writing guides contain concise daily lessons that teach four different types of writing skills important for high school students to master (creative writing/short story, essays, research papers, and poetry). The lessons contain brief information, instruction, and assignments. And by the way, rubrics for grading are included.

Here's what each 7Sisters High School English/Language Arts one-year bundle includes:

  • Study Guides for literary analysis of books (and movies!)
  • Research Paper Writing Guides
  • Essay Writing Guide
  • Poetry Writing Guide
  • Short-Story Writing Guide
  • Public Speaking Experiences
  • Grammar Pocket Guide
  • Grammar Resources
  • Vocabulary Resources
  • Clear and friendly How-To-Use section for parents
  • Suggested schedule for a 9-month academic year
  • Rubrics and suggestions for grading

British High School ELA Literature and Composition

If you'd like an in-depth comparison of the different bundles for Literature and Writing available from your homeschooling big sisters here at 7SistersHomeschool.com, click here for Which ELA Curriculum Bundle is Right for YOU??, and download this FREE, informative PDF.

Which books will my student read and analyze with THIS one-year curriculum bundle?

(You will need to buy copies of these books for your teen to read, or borrow a copy from the library. Consider making your purchase from Amazon. If so, we are Amazon associates, and will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you if you visit Amazon using our link in our sidebar to the right.)

  1. Animal Farm by George Orwell
  2. Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
  3. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
  4. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
  5. British Poetry Selections by various poets
  6. Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot
  7. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
  8. The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells
  9. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Which Cinema Studies guides are a part of this year’s bundle?

(You will need to buy or rent these movies; many are available on streaming services like Amazon Prime, Hulu, or Netflix, or borrow them from a friend or from the library.)

  1. The 39 Steps (starring Robert Donat)
  2. Hook (starring Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman)
  3. The Importance of Being Earnest (starring Colin Firth and Rupert Everett)
  4. Sense and Sensibility (1995 version, starring Dame Emma Thompson)

One important thing to mention:

If you used the Cinema Studies for Literature Learning bundle in the past, your student will have completed ONE of the cinema studies guides that will be included in this one-year ELA bundle.

So, if you used the Cinema Studies for Literature Learning bundle for 9th grade and choose the British Lit High School ELA bundle for 11th grade, your eleventh grader will already have completed:

The Importance of Being Earnest (starring Colin Firth and Rupert Everett)


  • Is it okay to do those movies a second time, to analyze them with another year of maturity? ABSOLUTELY!
  • Can you purchase a movie guide that was NOT a part of the bundle you used in 9th grade and use it instead? SURE! We have lots of other Cinema Studies guides that were not a part of the Cinema Studies for Literature Learning bundle. Choose a title that looks like it could fit well into your year.
  • Is it okay to choose to do only book-based lit. analysis, and leave out movies for the year? YOU BET!

As always, we want you to make our curriculum fit your homeschooling needs. We just wanted to be sure you knew about this potential duplication before you made a decision about this bundle.

Which writing guides are included?

  • An Advanced Guide to High School Essay Writing
  • Advanced Guide to High School Short Story Writing - Myth-Fantasy
  • An Advanced Guide to High School Poetry Writing
  • MLA Style Research Paper Writing Guide 
  • Chicago Style Research Paper Writing Guide
  • Successful Experiential Resume Writing

You can download a free suggested syllabus for A Full Year of High School English/Language Arts: British Literature and Composition (a good fit for 11th or 12th grade) here

What else will I find in this bundle?

  1. Grammar Granules - Essential Elements of English
  2. Recommended Resources for Supplemental Grammar and Vocabulary Learning
  3. Biographical Report Public Speaking Experience
  4. Sales Pitch Public Speaking Experience
  5. Parents Manual - Intro and How to Use This Bundle (including direction for grading and determining a final ELA grade for the transcript)
  6. Chart for Determining the Level of Rigor for our year of High School ELA
  7. Recommendations for HOW MANY BOOKS TOTAL your student should read this year

There are as many different ways to earn that big, complicated ELA credit as there are homeschool families, but this British Literature and Composition curriculum bundle will make it easy for you to:

  • cover everything you need to cover in a year
  • tweak the assignments if they don’t fit your needs perfectly
  • steer clear of busywork or overkill that might make your student come to hate ELA
  • grade your teen’s work with confidence
  • adjust the level of rigor to fit your child’s level of competence (average - honors)
  • stay on track and record your teen’s progress as the year unfolds

What people are saying:

This is our first year using your curriculum, 9th grade LA, and we are loving it! Such a gentle approach, yet to the point and thorough. - M.

We have used it for our 9th grader this year. She has liked it and I love it! I like that it is mostly student-led. My daughter has gotten a well-rounded writing and literature class with very good progress in her skills. We have already bought the 10th grade curriculum. - S.

We started the 9th grade bundle this year and my daughter has asked to use the curriculum for next year too. It is very gentle in the instruction, not overwhelming. We like the mix of books & movies for the literature piece. I like week by week syllabus of what to do/complete. We use daily grams from easy grammar for the addlt grammar they recommend. The only minor dislike is the pace of going through some of the books, my daughter is dyslexic so it takes her longer to read assigned books than an average student, but we adjust the schedule as needed to accommodate that. - M.

Note: 7Sisters curriculum is unique in that (by request from teens themselves), it is no-busywork and adaptable to varying levels of academic rigor. In this way, following guidelines in the curriculum, teens complete coursework that is personally meaningful to their interests, needs, and goals. This is the 7Sisters educational philosophy!

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