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Many teens Health credit for their graduation requirements. High School Health for the Whole Person helps teens earn that credit in a no-busywork and meaningful way. They gain the needed physical health awareness as well as mind, emotional and relationship health.
High School Health for the Whole Person is divided into two parts.
- Part 1 deals with physical health.
- Part 2 deals with mind, emotional, and relationship health.
High School Health for the Whole Person Part 1 focuses on physical health:
In its 21 chapters, each body system is explained, followed by a chapter describing disorders that arise when the healthy functioning of the system is disrupted. The final chapter in this section covers exercise basics.
- Chapter 1: The Five Senses
- Chapter 2: Disorders of the Five Senses
- Chapter 3: Skin
- Chapter 4: Skin Disorders
- Chapter 5: Musculoskeletal System
- Chapter 6: Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System
- Chapter 7: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
- Chapter 8: Disorders of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
- Chapter 9: Nervous System
- Chapter 10: Disorders of the Nervous System Disorders
- Chapter 11: Digestive & Urinary Systems
- Chapter 12: Disorders of the Digestive & Urinary Systems
- Chapter 13: Nutrition
- Chapter 14: Disorders of Insufficient Nutrition
- Chapter 15: Lymphatic & Immune Systems
- Chapter 16: Disorders of the Lymphatic & Immune Systems
- Chapter 17: Reproductive System
- Chapter 18: Disorders of the Reproductive System
- Chapter 19: Fetal Development & Childbirth
- Chapter 20: Complications in Fetal Development & Childbirth
- Chapter 21: Health Benefits of Exercise
High School Health for the Whole PersonPart 2 focuses on mental, emotional, and spiritual health:
Homeschool high schoolers learn how the brain was created to function, ways to maintain this health, disorders that can arise, and treatments that have been used successfully for these disorders. A section on personal safety is included.
- Part 2 contains the following chapters:
- Chapter 1: The Brain
- Chapter 2: Disorders of Brain Function
- Chapter 3: Emotional Wellness
- Chapter 4: Emotional and Mental Health Problems
- Chapter 5: Emotional & Mental Health Problems: Help & Treatment
- Chapter 6: Emotional and Mental Self-Care
- Chapter 7: Self & Social Awareness for Health & Safety
- Chapter 8: Healthy Relationships
- Chapter 9: Caffeine, Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs
You will receive 3 downloads:
- High School Health for the Whole Person text
- High School Health for the Whole Person tests
- High School Health for the Whole Person answer key
The text should be given to the student. The tests should be given to the student as he/she completes the appropriate chapter(s). The Answer Key is for the parent.
Optional Free Syllabus for High School Health for the Whole Person
AND, check out this video on how to get teens interested in Health!
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