Literature Study Guide: The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells. 7Sisters' literature guides are no-busywork, don't-kill-the-book by over-teaching while giving meaningful literature analysis and inferential skills. Instructions for level up to honors.
Fahrenheit 451 Literature Study Guide. No-busywork, level-able to various goals American Literature Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills without killing the enjoyment of the book by over-teaching.
Hamlet Shakespeare Study Guide. Teens learn that Shakespeare's works were created for entertainment. Literature analysis and entertainment skills with this no-busywork literature guide with suggestions for leveling up to honors.
History and Philosophy of the Western World. World History credit from the viewpoint of philosophy and philosophers, along with some basic church history. No-busywork text that teens enjoy. Leveling up info given for teens wanting honors credit.
Teens benefit from experiences with writing research papers. 7SistersHomeschool's MLA Research Paper Writing Guide is 32-page, no-busywork, friendly-toned research paper curriculum for high school.
Human Development from a Christian Worldview. No-busywork, understandable, meaningful credit for teens that helps them understand the ways people grow and change from womb to old age: physically, cognitively, socially. Practical, life-skills text.
Middle School Guide to Essay Writing. Give your middle schoolers some get-ready-for-high-school confidence with this no-busywork, step-by-step downloadable workbook introduces the basic skills of essay writing.
11th or 12th Grade Myth-Fantasy Short Story is a no-busywork guide to writing poetry. This 5-week, step-by-step, user-friendly downloadable workbook helps teens use their words powerfully, concisely, and beautifully. Leveling up information provided.
SHAKESPEARE Study Guide for King Lear is an introduction to Shakespeare's classic play with no-busywork, don't-kill-the-book by over-teaching while giving meaningful literature analysis and inferential skills. Instructions for level up to honors.