High School Psychology. We want teens to like Psych with this .5 credit text with this fun, no-busywork text. Written at an average level, teens learn the scope and sequence of psychology in a light-hearted manner. Adaptable for leveling up to Honors
Intermediate Guide to High School Poetry Writing. No-busywork, confidence-building guide for teens who have a little experience with enjoying writing poetry. Writing poetry builds communication skills. Suggestions for leveling up to Honors included.
Philosophy in Four Questions. PhD Philosopher (and homeschool grad) shares the basics of philosophy and philosophic thinking in an way teens can understand and apply in their own lives.
Mr. Holland's Opus Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
Casablanca Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
Life of Pi Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
Literature Study Guide: The Picture of Dorian Gray. 7Sisters' literature guides are no-busywork, don't-kill-the-book by over-teaching while giving meaningful literature analysis and inferential skills. Instructions for level up to honors.
12 Angry Men Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
Cinema Study Guide for Cinema Study Guide brings no-busywork literature learning and analysis using this classic movie! Teens can substitute this guide with its movie a book for their booklist.