This one-year course makes learning about world geography exciting for students in grades 1 to 4. Lessons guide your child across all seven continents, highlighting God's natural wonders, fascinating people, and beautiful landmarks.
Exploring Economics is a one-semester course centered in God's Word that equips your student to better understand what economics is and how it affects our lives.
This one-year course makes learning about U.S. geography exciting for students in grades 1 to 4. Lessons guide your child on a journey across the United States, highlighting key landmarks and the stories of real people.
This one-year course makes learning about U.S. history exciting for students in grades 5 to 8. Daily lessons guide your child chronologically through the history of the United States, highlighting key events, people, and places.
Exploring World Geography is a one-year course centered in God's Word that equips your student to better understand our world and his or her place in it.
Exploring World History covers all periods of history—ancient, medieval, and modern—from the perspective of faith in God and respect for His Word. It offers a thorough survey of Western civilization plus coverage of Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
This one-year course makes learning about world history exciting for students in grades 5 to 8. Daily lessons guide your child chronologically through the history of the world from Creation to the present, highlighting key events, people, and places.
This one-year course makes learning about civics and government exciting for students in grades 5 to 8. Learn about elected leaders and everyday citizens who have important roles to fill in making our country work.
This one-year course makes learning about U.S. history exciting for students in grades 1 to 4. The lessons guide your child chronologically through the history of the United States, highlighting key events, people, and places.