Early Childhood Education. Teens learn philosophies for teaching youngsters, learning development and how-tos for any who want to go into that career...or even have their own kids someday.
Career Exploration Textbook: Help your teen explore who they are and where they are headed by looking at interest, strength, talents, and values.
They also learn about seeking guidance from God and skills for apprenticeships.
Fahrenheit 451 Literature Study Guide. No-busywork, level-able to various goals American Literature Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills without killing the enjoyment of the book by over-teaching.
A Raisin in the Sun Study Guide. No-busywork, level-able to various goals American Literature Study Guide. Teens have the opportunity to learn literature analysis skills without killing the enjoyment of the book by over-teaching and over-analyzing.
9th Grade Poetry Writing Guide is a no-busywork guide to writing poetry. This 5-week, step-by-step, user-friendly downloadable workbook helps teens use their words powerfully, concisely, and beautifully. Leveling up information provided.
This is a project based learning activity designed to help students learn to be keen observers of nature and the environment, make connections to geometric shapes and plants and animals, and how we use shapes in everyday life.
Literature Study Guide: The Republic of Plato. 7Sisters' literature guides are no-busywork, don't-kill-the-book by over-teaching while giving meaningful literature analysis and inferential skills. Instructions for level up to honors.
Literature Study Guide: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. 7Sisters' literature guides are no-busywork, don't-kill-the-book by over-teaching while giving meaningful literature analysis and inferential skills. Instructions for level up to honors.