Miracle Worker brings no-busywork literature learning and analysis using this classic movie! Teens can substitute this guide with its movie a book for their booklist. If you have supervising organization, check requirements.
Lilies of the Field Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
Cinema Study Guide for Mr. Holland's Opus brings no-busywork literature learning and analysis using this classic movie! Teens can substitute this guide with its movie a book for their booklist. If you have supervising organization, check requirements
Lyric Writing. 5-week, no-busywork, not-intense, light-hearted workbook for young lyric writers who have a little knowledge of poetry and want to apply that knowledge to lyric writing.
This 5-week workbook introduces teens to poetry from around the world in a no-busywork, inspirational, light-hearted manner. The workbook introduces teens to poetry from Korea, Japan, the Middle East and Northern Africa, Europe and Israel.
9th Grade Family Narrative Short Story Writing Guide is a no-busywork guide to writing poetry. This 5-week, step-by-step, user-friendly downloadable workbook helps teens use their words powerfully, concisely, and beautifully.Leveling up info included
Moby Dick Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
This one-year course makes learning about U.S. history exciting for students in grades 5 to 8. Daily lessons guide your child chronologically through the history of the United States, highlighting key events, people, and places.
History and Philosophy of the Western World. World History credit from the viewpoint of philosophy and philosophers, along with some basic church history. No-busywork text that teens enjoy. Leveling up info given for teens wanting honors credit.