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Parents Can Help Music Students Succeed

Parents Can Help Music Students Succeed

I wish I had learned to play the piano. I wish I had kept my band instrument. I wish I had not quit lessons as a kid.

I have heard these statements many times from adults. So, what can parents do to prevent their children from saying similar things later in life? How can parents set the tone for successful music practice at home?

When children and teens express an interest in learning an instrument, parents have many options. Some budding musicians are able to start music lessons either in-person or online. Some can join a school or community ensemble and learn to play through rehearsals. Others may use video lessons or an app. Yet, attending a music lesson, joining a rehearsal, or gaining video instruction is just part of learning the skill of playing an instrument. What needs to happen at home to boost the skills required to play well? What can parents do to help their budding musician? Often parents long to help their children and teens pursue music, yet they are unsure how to help. I hear many questions from parents about the process to learn to play a musical instrument.

How often should a budding musician practice?

Aim for five days each week. Consistency is vital in practicing any instrument. Playing an instrument including piano, strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion is a skill that requires development. When building skills, steady and consistent work is needed. Sometimes, a young musician will move into a cram-and-forget habit where practice happens the day before a lesson or rehearsal and then progress is forgotten afterward. A better approach is consistent practice daily between lessons. This allows progress to build each day rather than most of the practice time spent in review from last week. It is possible to progress with minimal practice, however the progress will also be minimal and slow.

How long does a young musician need to practice at one time?

Begin with five minutes at a time. Beginning piano students and their parents are often surprised when I tell them to aim for five minutes a day for five days a week. Twenty-five minutes a week may not seem like enough time to learn to play well. However, adding those twenty-five minutes to the thirty-minute music lesson is almost an hour a week. When students enjoy their instrument, they may continue to play after five minutes. With five minutes per day, a positive practice habit can be built. As the music increases in difficulty, the amount of time spent practicing will hopefully increase. It is simple to add a few minutes each day to an already-established practice habit. 

What should the young musician do during the practice time?

Technique. Each practice session should begin with a warm-up exercise. These exercises focus on the technique needed to play.  Wind instrument players may focus on breathing and dexterity.  Pianists may focus on finger muscle development.  Working on technique is a vital first step in a practice routine.

Music pieces. Most of the practice time will be concentrated on the assigned or chosen music.  Maybe a new piece of music has been assigned.  Working slowly and deliberately to learn each phrase may take most of a practice session.  Perhaps there is a difficult phrase or measure in the piece of music.  One practice session may be spent working out the difficult section and drilling it repetitively until it is mastered. Following learning a piece and mastering difficult sections, playing through the piece from beginning to end without pauses helps a musician prepare for performing.

Fun. Many musicians have a piece or exercise that they truly enjoy.  Playing something strictly for the joy of playing is a perfect way to end a practice session.  Often parents can aid this by asking their young music to play something for them.  When students end their practice session with something fun, they may be more likely to want to play again the next day. Learning a new skill can be enjoyable.  Ending by playing what they enjoy the most is a great reminder that the hard work is worth it. 

How can a parent help their young musician?

Offer encouragement. Learning a new skill is a difficult venture. Young musicians may need frequent reassurance that they are making progress. JS Bach is attributed with saying, “All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself.” Is it that easy? Some music students may be surprised at how much there is to learn in playing an instrument. After all, the masters make it look easy. Encouragement to continue striving may be necessary in their musical journey. 

Help with logistics. Maintaining a schedule and following through on commitments can be difficult, therefore children and teens may need help scheduling their practice time into their day. Having something to peg it with at the beginning can help a music student remember. Perhaps the practice time is always at the same time of day. Maybe the practice time always follows the same daily activity. Sometimes gentle reminders will be necessary. Sometimes a reward system may help while the habit is building. Eliminating distractions during practice time may help with focus.  Maintaining a properly working instrument will be helpful. As the musician grows, more logistics can be transferred to the student.  At the beginning, the student will probably need considerable help.

Set goals together. In the first lesson, I always ask the students what they hope to accomplish through lessons.   Sometimes there is a specific goal.  Sometimes they do not have a goal.  Sometimes they simply want to play. Similar to having a practice plan, knowing the goal for practicing can motivate students as well. Whether the goal is a particular song, an upcoming performance, an audition, or making a video for grandparents, having a goal can aid focus in the practice sessions. Parents can work with their musician and the teacher to solidify the goals. 

With a daily practice habit, a practice plan, and help from parents, a young musician can build the needed skills to be an accomplished musician.

Gwendolyn Amiri is a state-certified music teacher and private lesson instructor, who focuses on teaching piano and flute. She has twenty years of teaching experience through schools, homeschooling, co-ops, community organizations, and music studios.  She especially enjoys guiding young musicians at the beginning of their instrumental journey. She is available for online lessons and classes. For more information, please refer to her bio on IndyEd and find her online @EducatorGwen.

Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

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