Short Summary
Class Information
Please reach out to see my availability. Some times available on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. Mostly morning Eastern time zone times available at this time.
In this single 25 minute class students will have the opportunity to play Holiday Tic Tac with a Parts of Speech twist! Students can choose between practicing nouns, verbs or adjectives.
Each student will be welcomed into the class. Each student will be able to choose which parts of speech they would like to practice. Students will choose a name for their tic tac toe team. Students will use an interactive game to practice. Assistance will be given when required for a successful game.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to learn more or see available times.
Neurodivergency Specializations and Accommodations
ADHD, Autism - if desired students will be given a visual schedule, transitional warnings, verbal cues, and use of a timer. Students can use a first/then board or choice board, rewards board if desired. I will reach out ahead of time to ask if anything can be done prior to a successful class.
Anxiety - students will be given direct plan of the lesson, transitional warnings, extra time if needed, lots of time to ask questions. I will reach out ahead of time to ask if anything can be done prior to a successful class.
Down Syndrome -if desired students will be given a visual schedule, transitional warnings, verbal cues, and use of a timer. Students can use a first/then board or choice board, rewards board if desired. Students can use speech devices or reminders to talk slow, use basic sign language if needed. ( I am rusty but it's coming back) I will reach out ahead of time to ask if anything can be done prior to a successful class.