Short Summary
Class Information
In this calming meditation and yoga class, we will enter into a world of elemental fairies using movement with music, guided meditation, yin yoga, and journaling. Perfect for increasing confidence and soothing anxiety in tweens and teens.
Welcome to this amazingly peaceful, calming meditation and yoga class... find a comfortable and quiet space, a journal, and join Ms. Jodi for beautiful moments of peace in a fairy forest...We will use fairy music and movement to let go of stress... and then we will enter a fairy forest in a unique, calming guided meditation helping us to transform into an elemental fairy... for example, the red fire fairy will help us to see our beautiful sparkling flame that lights our way and helps us to embrace confidence.
We will use positive affirmations (ex.: I am confident. I am love) in our guided meditations. We will also hold a fairy-inspired yin yoga pose for a few minutes, learning poses that we can then use throughout the week to find some moments of peace when stressed.
At the end of class, we will use our journals to sketch the elemental fairy with colors or write affirmations. The self-paced format allows students to access the videos whenever it is convenient for them even when traveling or in a different time zone.
This is an independent study self-paced course that students can take their time on. Students may watch the video as many times as they would like to throughout the week. All work will happen in the pre-recorded class: movement, guided meditation, yin yoga, and journaling time. Students are welcome to share drawings from the journaling time in the classroom (anytime during the week) and Ms. Jodi will comment back.
Class Video Structure:
Movement with fairy music
Guided Meditation with Affirmations
Yin yoga
Please provide a yoga mat, bare feet/gripper socks, water, a journal or sketchpad, and colored pencils for this class.