In this three day camp, Fortniters new (and old) will playing in duo, trio, or squad (or creative) and enjoy safe social time as we work together to level up!
Laura TuckerThis hands-on, active class is intended for students who are ready to learn how to read! We will meet live twice a week. Parents will also be given resources and activities to do with their learner between meetings.
Peacock TutoringPlayful Pawns classes are for 5-and-6-year-old children just beginning their chess journey. Students will have a ball making friends in group activities as they learn to name the pieces and move them about the board.
Chess Institute of CanadaIn this 3 week class, students will learn and be able to identify the basic partsAnd functions of a plant and animal cell.
Jennifer McKinneyIn this middle school physical science course, students cover foundational concepts in physics and chemistry, including motion, forces, energy, and properties of matter.
Hypatia STEM AcademyThe perfect way to try Discern To Learn! A 1 hr trial class for just $5!! Experience the learning management system, and get to know Mrs. Theresa! Your student will learn how to create and improve a sentence!
Discern To LearnCome join in some weekly informal philosophical discussions led by me and directed by the learners, while in turn, learning about many aspects of the academic discipline of philosophy in a fun way! Join any time!
Melissa BristowThis course is designed to build on algebraic and geometric concepts. It develops algebra skills such as systems of equations, advanced polynomials, imaginary and complex numbers, quadratics, and concepts and includes the study of trigonometry.
Edu-TogetherAdvanced Online Classes, aka Future Masters, is where students take their knowledge from the Noble Knights program, and Practise, Practise, Practise! Our 90-minute Future Masters class flips the script on Beginner and Intermediate learning methods.
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