In this short class I will uncover the most unusual, scary and dark mysteries that happened in Russia and Former Soviet Union. The class involve discussion, interaction, and creativity.
This class created for students who want to receive the highest possible score on Math portion of SAT test. I will review 10 to 15 problems per session encouraging students to think aloud and use previous knowledge. Small group, up to 6 students.
This is 8 week self-paced course where I teach basic Russian language. Learners will practice by watching short videos and repeating after the teacher.
In this 16 weeks course taught by a native Russian teacher, students will learn the basics of language, culture, and cuisine through practicing with peers, watching short videos and songs. Small group, up to 5 students.
High school Advanced Algebra students will meet the standards and expectations set forth in the Common Core State Standards. Students will study the following units: Skills with Equations, Linear, Exponential and Quadratic Functions, Polynomials.