Traveling through Star Wars, from classic Luke, Han, and Leia to the Mandalorian and his adorable sidekick, we’ll explore the lore of this popular series. With new shows out, we’ll look at so many...
Athena's Advanced AcademyYes, you can become a real author! This class, led by an award-winning and massively productive author, teaches kids the fundamentals of book writing: plot, character, scenes, and outline, and guides them through writing a novel about anything!
Athena's Advanced AcademyNeed SAT Essay Writing and Reading help? SAT scores improved by 100-300 points. English, History, Spanish, French, Language Arts, English, Reading Comprehension, Public speaking, testing, Vocabulary, Grammar & Writing.
Athena's Advanced AcademyYes, you can become a real author! This class, led by an award-winning and massively productive author, teaches kids the fundamentals of book writing: plot, character, scenes, and outline, and guides them through writing a novel about anything!
Athena's Advanced AcademyLet's learn English AP skills like literary devices...but just using the Hamilton musical!
Athena's Advanced AcademyWe'll explore the coolest superheroes, with history, symbolism, and analysis thrown in!
Athena's Advanced AcademyWe love magical worlds, from Oz to Neverland. Together let’s have a summer fantasy book club and enjoy some really stand-out bestsellers from recent years. We’ll analyze their messages and deeper meanings. Cultures and myth too.
Athena's Advanced AcademyLet's learn the fun way! Did you know that The Hunger Games was largely inspired by Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar? Or that the War of the Roses, which inspired the Richard and Henry plays, has also inspired top fantasy series?
Athena's Advanced AcademyIn English class, we learn rhetorical devices, metafiction, symbolism, and so much more. Let's do the analysis with PG-13 shows–The Mandalorian, Black Panther, Rogue One, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Guardians of the Galaxy.
Athena's Advanced AcademyFOR LEARNERS
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