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Get to know the famous Fibonacci number serious with NatureGlo's FREE Fibonacci Numbers in Nature lapbook notebook templates. This resource explores the famous Fibonacci numbers found all around us starting in your own backyard. Do you have a pine tree with pine cones? The number of spiral turns in a pine cone are Fibonacci numbers. This resource can be used alongside of your current math curriculum or as a stand alone resource used for unschooling math.
Looking for a fun math learning experience for your kids that's live online?
JOIN HERE: NatureGlo's MathArt LIVE! (ages 8 and up)
Looking for a fun self-paced online math learning experience?
JOIN HERE: NatureGlo's MathArt Self-paced Online course (ages 8 and up)
Neurodivergency Specializations and Accommodations
Since 2011, I've taught a unique online mathematics history unit study called MathArt. MathArt explores the rich connections there are in math all around us. Learners explore math in nature, art, technology, music and more through hands-on projects and activities that do not require doing math calculations. MathArt is a fun math appreciation experience that helps kids explore the wonder and beauty of math without the anxiety of math computation, worksheets, or memorization. Many neurodivergent learners, including autistic and dyscalculia, have gone through my MathArt course with positive experiences.