The Importance of Being Earnest Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
Hoosiers Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
Middle School Guide to Essay Writing. Give your middle schoolers some get-ready-for-high-school confidence with this no-busywork, step-by-step downloadable workbook introduces the basic skills of essay writing.
Speech 1. Delightful Public Speaking curriculum for homeschool high schoolers. Easy, confidence-building exercises that help teens feel they can successfully speak in public when needed.
Guide to Short Story Writing: Holiday Family Narrative is a 1-week special project for high schoolers that is delightful, user-friendly, self-directed, no busywork, and FUN! Preserve a piece of family heritage while writing a meaningful story.
American Poetry Reading and Writing. During this five-week tour of American poetry, homeschool high schoolers will get a taste of several poetry genres by reading examples then writing in the same style. Fun, inspiring, no-busywork.
Introductory Guide to High School Poetry Writing. No-busywork, confidence-building guide for teens who have little experience with enjoying writing poetry. Writing poetry builds communication skills. Suggestions for leveling up to Honors included.
Chicago-Style Research Paper Writing Guide. 5-week study aimed at high schoolers who already have some experience with research paper writing. Self-guided, step-by-step, no-busywork guide that coaches teens from start to finish on this research paper
Advanced Guide to High School Essay Writing. This no-busywork, step-by-step downloadable workbook builds more essay-writing skills. Students build more confidence in their writing skills. Information for leveling to Honors included.