Full Credit ELA Course: British Literature and Composition. No-busywork bundle of literature, composition and cinema studies guides suggested for grades 11 or 12. Instructions for leveling to Honors for teens who want more rigor for their transcript.
This project is designed to incorporate writing, strategic planning, math, research skills, artistic expression, and critical thinking. The central question guiding this project is: "How can we create and operate a successful Hot Chocolate Stand?"
SHAKESPEARE Study Guide for Hamlet is an introduction to Shakespeare's Hamlet with no-busywork, don't-kill-the-book by over-teaching while giving meaningful literature analysis and inferential skills. Instructions for level up to honors.
Literature Study Guide: Epic of Gilgamesh. 7Sisters' literature guides are no-busywork, don't-kill-the-book by over-teaching while giving meaningful literature analysis and inferential skills. Instructions included for leveling up to Honors.
This five-week workbook on American poetry gives a light-hearted, no-busywork look at various poetry experiences: fun, serious, and a variety of ethnic influences.
Teens read short selections of poetry and try their hands at writing each style.
A Separate Peace Literature Study Guide. No-busywork, level-able to various goals American Literature Study Guide. Teens have the opportunity to learn literature analysis skills without killing the joy of the book by over-teaching and over-analysis.
Guide to Writing a College Application Essay. Step-by-step, no-busywork guide to help teens create an excellent college application essay. Teens tell us that this guide helpfully ushered them through this intimidating and important essay.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Literature Study Guide. Be inspired by studying this classic in a no-busywork guide that doesn't kill the book. The guide includes activities for leveling up to honors for those who need it for their transcripts or interests.
Animal Farm Literature Study Guide. Be inspired by studying this classic in a no-busywork guide that doesn't kill the book. The guide includes activities for leveling up to honors for those who need it for their transcripts or interests.