Literature Study Guide: Anne of Green Gables. A unique study guide for the whole family to do together from k-12. Simple, interesting, inspirational learning for homeschooling families.
Cinema Study Guide for Casablanca brings no-busywork literature learning and analysis using this classic movie! Teens can substitute this guide with its movie a book for their booklist. If you have supervising organization, check requirements.
Literature Study Guide: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. 7Sisters' literature guides are no-busywork, don't-kill-the-book by over-teaching while giving meaningful literature analysis and inferential skills. Instructions included leveling up.
Middle School Short Story Writing Guide: Fairy Tales gives middle schoolers an introduction to short story writing through a delightful project designed to be used 4 days a week for 5 weeks. Help your homeschoolers learn to be confident writers!
Literature Study Guide: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. 7Sisters' literature guides are no-busywork, don't-kill-the-book by over-teaching while giving meaningful literature analysis and inferential skills. Instructions for level up to honors.
The Wizard of Oz Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
9th Grade Family Narrative Short Story Writing Guide is a no-busywork guide to writing poetry. This 5-week, step-by-step, user-friendly downloadable workbook helps teens use their words powerfully, concisely, and beautifully.Leveling up info included
High Noon Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
The Design and Run a Juice Stand project is a project based learning Entrepreneur Activity. The central question guiding this project is: "How can we create and run our own juice stand successfully?"