Cinema Study Guide for Truman Show brings no-busywork literature learning and analysis using this classic movie! Teens can substitute this guide with its movie a book for their booklist. If you have supervising organization, check requirements.
Introductory Guide to High School Essay Writing. This no-busywork, step-by-step downloadable workbook introduces the basic high-school skills of essay writing. Students gain confidence in their writing skills. Information for leveling to Honors.
Philosophy in Four Questions. PhD Philosopher (and homeschool grad) shares the basics of philosophy and philosophic thinking in an way teens can understand and apply in their own lives.
Lyric Writing. 5-week, no-busywork, not-intense, light-hearted workbook for young lyric writers who have a little knowledge of poetry and want to apply that knowledge to lyric writing.
The Incredibles Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
Field of Dreams Cinema Study Guide. Teens learn literature analysis skills through studying classic movies. Enrich your high school English/Language Arts experience by adding cinema studies!
High School Guide to Creative Chronicling gives teens a memorable senior-year writing project. This is 38-page downloadable guide, that helps teens capture memories with fun short-story writing, photography and photo editing, formatting, presentation
Introductory Guide to High School Short Story Writing: Family Narrative is a fun, no-busywork, 5- week, 23-page downloadable pdf writing guide that introduces young writers to the process of short story writing WHILE capturing a favorite family story