Short Summary
Class Information
Part 1 will run on Tuesdays at 2:00 PM EASTERN with planned breaks. The fall semester will start in September and end at the beginning of December.
Part 2 will run from January to April and will be at the same day and time.
Part 3 will be four classes that will run in May.
This is the first part of a three-part course that will follow the Institute of Excellence in writing text, Following Narnia, Volume 1: The Lion's Song. I would highly recommend learners have at least one year of experience with IEW, but if you are willing to communicate with me throughout the course, we can work together to make sure this is a successful experience for your learner.
Each live class, learners will brainstorm and collaborate while organizing their thoughts into outlines. They will learn new stylistic techniques they can add to their compositions to make them more engaging.
The first two parts will be twelve weeks long with planned breaks. The last part will be four weeks, typically in May.
Homework is required for this course, but you as the parent have control over how much. I highly recommend your learner progress through the program by participating in all homework assignments, BUT I can differentiate the assignments and rubrics to fit your learner's needs, especially if this is their first time taking an IEW course.
Using compositions to produce relevant projects, learners will use recordings showing them how to participate. They can create an ebook, podcast, or fake Instagram account!