This product (PACK B) includes four different writing prompts incorporating imaginative narrative, personal narrative, opinion, & letter writing genres. Each prompt has a checklist that encourages specific criteria to include.
Who is my story about? Where will my story take place? What is the problem in my story? This creative writing resource provides scaffolding to guide idea generation by asking important story-related questions.
Away in a Manger Medley, Christmas Sheet Music. Includes: melody notes for 2 different versions of Away in a Manger (can be sung or played on any Treble Clef instrument), lyrics and ukulele tabs and chords (can be played on guitar, ukulele or piano).
This game is designed to help students review the quantum numbers and how they relate to electron orbitals. Students practice placing electrons into electron orbitals based on the quantum numbers they obtain through a series of actions.
Learn to express the internal thoughts and feelings of the characters in your story. Start with telling details and add visual clues, audible clues, and environmental sounds that "show" the details in your dinosaur story.